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Feel the power of nature





Promotes self-efficacy

Dissolves water-related fear blocks

Increases dopamine & serotonin

Enhances mindfulness



THERAPY uses the approach of movement on the water and in nature to establish a personal connection with the environment. An individual setting is selected according to suit each person's unique life challenges. The natural forces of the elements - water, air, earth and fire - are used. Research has shown that exercise, nature and the sun, which increase dopamine and serotonin levels and reduce cortisol levels, contribute to success. THERAPY's empowerment approach also promotes and supports self-efficacy. Water-related fear blocks can be overcome.

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Client 6


Active relaxation is the best way to reduce stress. Exercise promotes the happiness hormones, lowers stress levels and increases well-being. The rippling of the water and the calm of the lake bring mind, soul and body into harmony.

Client 4


It has been proven that activity and movement help elevate one's mood. Endorphins and other hormones are released, which contribute to the feeling of well-being after stand up paddling.

Client 1


After just a short training session you will discover unexpected resources, strength and potential with in yourself.  The experience of paddling distances that didn't believe you could manage strengthens your self-confidence and increases self-efficacy.

Client 2


Water-related fear blocks can be gradually overcome. Becoming familiar with the water on a stand up paddle board enables you to gradually confront your fears. As you exercise on the water we will find ways to push through your limits and dissolve your fears.

Client 3


It's not just exercise that helps build serotonin and dopamine. The mere presence of water has a calming and invigorating effect. Fresh air and sun, as well your heart beating in rhythm with every paddle stroke, increase the happiness hormones, raise vitamin D levels, and strengthen the immune system.

Client 5


With a little practice, you start to focus more on nature with all your senses. You start to become one with the flora and fauna in your surroundings . Only the moment counts.

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